Taking a break from handling your Time, Energy and Resources this week, I thought it might be a nice escape to listen to the first chapter of The Sword and the Sunflower. This is a just-recorded audio book entry of the first chapter.

This is experimental as I have mixed thoughts about recording the audiobook for my own fiction. Recording for one of my non-fictions makes sense as it is similar to me giving a talk, a seminar or even a podcast episode on an idea. However, an epic fiction such as this, with nuances, and characters of different ages and genders is something else entirely. I do not know if it is something I could represent properly—even though I am the author. What if my voice does not represent what i am experiencing (or what you should be experiencing) in the story? That’s really important to me.

Regardless, I thought it a good change of pace. Let me know what you think.