ALL Alchemy For Life Podcast episodes (2016-present)
Here is the complete catalog of Alchemy for Life™ podcast episodes all in one place—organized by year. The last three years also include an excerpt for each episode. Previous years do not so that the page length is managable here. Click the title of the episode to go to that episode’s page. Note that each episode has it’s own page, an article that goes along with it, a web player so you can listen right in this browser, and can also be listed to via iTunes, TuneIn, Spotify, Google Play and anywhere you listen to podcasts—including your personal devices and home smart devices just by saying “Alexa/Google/Siri play Alchemy for life podcast.”
- What I learned writing a screenplay(and how it might help you tell your own story) Telling a story in an unfamiliar medium with constraints you’re not accustomed to is a common theme in business. You may be the best story teller in your circle/medium/genre but if you need to tell your story outside of that it can be a challenge, ...
- Teacher, Teach ThyselfQ&A and the answer (That’s so meta) Have you ever helped a friend who has a question or a conundrum, and the answer was so obvious to you that you easily spelled it out for them? You felt pretty smart. You noticed at some point that when you’ve had issues you turn to others for ...
- Do you experience Disconnected Happiness?A tale of disconnected happiness or Benign Violation Theory. Allow me to tell you a tale of disconnected happiness. Perhaps you can relate? Helpful related (or referenced) episodes: The holy Grail of positivity bias Throwing away the container Benign Violation Theory Have something to say? Come talk about it on Patreon.
- Dramaturgy, Role Theory and ModesModes What mode are you in right now? You may intuitively know exactly what I’m talking about. Ever interrupt a conversation and the person changes their conversation style/demeanor? That’s an example of someone switching modes. Are modes just putting a mask on, or being disingenuous? No, like so many things in experimental psychology, I ...
- Manuel Rendon of Timeplast and 4d programmable matterMeet Manuel Rendon, certified polymer science inventor and CEO of Timeplast, Inc. My first interview episode of 2025. Manuel joins the ranks of Scott Adams, the late John McAfee and others. 4d matter In the world of plastics, everything pretty much repels water. But what if you could create a plastic that truly dissolves in water ...
- Most useful and helpful episodes of 2024!Welcome to 2025. As with last year, we are selecting the most helpful and useful episodes of the previous year. Of course I feel that all of the episodes are useful and helpful. Each one has a use, a point, and a tangible takeaway. Each one is a unique perspective on ...
- Resolutions—what works and what doesn’tResolutions—what works and what doesn’t and why. It’s really important that you don’t repeat the same things that didn’t work last time. You want to make this time to be different. Levels As we mentioned in the Labels episode, we like to label things because it’s a shortcut. And that can make you dumber or smarter. ...
- Depression and throwing away the containerThis is a separate article that goes with this podcast episode. it is not a transcript but rather an alternate summary of what the episode is about. NOTE: Depression, and worse (the meaning of “throwing away the container”) is a delicate subject. The truth is that all mental health is a delicate subject, as ...
- Am I a systems thinker?Guess who has this one? 🙂 NOTE: As I’ve said before, these thirteen ‘states of being’ are not being looked at as an ‘ailment’ or a ‘disease’ or a disadvantage. Just as there are upsides to what some would consider a disability, there are downsides to what some would consider a superpower. What is Systems Thinking? Systems thinking ...
- The Silence of SuccessSocial Media and You If you’re on social media, whether it’s the Boomers Gone Wild of Facebook, the Graphic (in many ways) Instagram, the Millennial-Controlled Tiktok or the ‘business-oriented’ Linkedin, you will see the kind of posts I’m about to talk about. Drawing a line in the sand… in your face Some people post things full of words—typically ...
- Deferred Gratitude and Exotic CarsExotic Cars When people purchase exotic cars, they are sometimes hit with something called deferred maintenance. As with many car buyers, they see the value of purchasing a car used. The positive of that is that they get a car they want at a dramatically reduced price. The downside is sometimes that they hadn’t considered there ...
- Time and energy = spaceA new formula Here’s an interesting concept for you, just when you thought you understood that life is made of three things: Time, Energy and Resources. But after ll, this is alchemy. Time, Energy and Resources Alchemy for Life™ has always been about life being three things. And we spend those three things on ...
- Is Positivity just oblivious contentment?What is Positivity? You may think that ‘positivity’ doesn’t belong with such states of being as OCD, Anxiety, ADHD and the others featured in this 13-part series, but I think it does because it is markedly different than the average person. Positivity isn’t just being nice. Positivity isn’t being positive blindly. It ...
- Forced to be an Emergency Responder and Love BombingForced Emergency Responders and “Love Bombing.” Emergency Responders and the 2:00am call for a wooden spoon When we think of emergency responders, we think of paramedics and ambulances and firefighters and police. If you make widgets, no one is going to call you at three in the morning to tell you they desperately need a new ...
- What is OCD? Do I have OCD? The Reality of coping with OCD.What is OCD? Do I have OCD? OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder. It shares a symptom with ADHD in which you can be caught in a repetitive loop because of anxiety and stimulus. But it is different than ADHD. The reality of OCD The reality of OCD often involves constant, intrusive thoughts and the need to ...
- Don’t speak that into existence!Toddlers with chainsaws Are chainsaws bad? No. Should toddlers use them? No. We use chainsaws to perform a task, we don’t give them to toddlers because it is dangerous to do so and the toddlers don’t understand the balance of danger and functionality. Airbags, insurance and fire extinguishers, oh my! Does your car have airbags? ...
- Psych Charm: ADHDADHD – Also known as Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. People with ADHD typically struggle with finding it difficult to focus. They are easily distracted in pursuit of stimulus. Sometimes the stimulus leads them to hyper-focus. The reality of ADHD The reality for many people is that ADHD is a constant challenge for ...
- Psych Charm: AnxietyAnxiety – The feeling of stress, the activation of a fight-or-flight mode. Anxiety for some can be a fairly dull but constant sensation of having to attend to a problem—a nagging feeling that you need to take care of something. This can be from the demands of your job, your responsibilities as a parent, a ...
- Gamification, Iconization and Tangibility.Gamification, Iconization and Tangibility Those are some crazy words. They’re fun and I like saying them. But what do they mean? My history I have always enjoyed looking at things as a system. It was only relatively recently that I realized that was what I was doing. it was so natural and innate that I didn’t ...
- Creativity as a skillAre you creative? No matter what your job, career or calling is, no matter what hobbies you have or do not, you have creativity. What if we treat it as a separate skill? What happens then? You’ll be amazed. Join our free community at patreon to talk about it.
- If you don’t see the system…“I see systems” This is something I have said for a very long time. Once I learned that this was one of my core directives it all made sense. But what does that mean, and how can that help you? Let’s talk about the systems in your life. If you don’t see the system you could be ...
- ADHD, Perception and Overwhelming Data – It’s Not Your Brain😎 NOTE: The members of the AFL Patreon Community heard this episode last week. They get them a week early. You can too. Join it for free! What is ADHD actually? The term ADHD gets thrown around a lot. People use it for everything to describe an actual condition in which someone cannot concentrate, ...
- It’s Time for Something DifferentIt’s time. After all these episodes, books, coaching, and articles, it’s time to approach this differently and give us a better way to connect with each other. We both deserve it.
- Guaranteed Great Day if You do This…I guarantee you will have a great day if you do this. And you might get a huge laugh out of it as well. Believe it or not this episode touches on and doubt, more experimental, psychology, and the holy Grail of positivity bias. All because your friend wants you to help him move a ...
- Engagement Fiction for Your Type A BrainA New Genre You are now part of the birth of a new genre—engagement fiction. I know it’s new because I just made it up. If you’re a type a personality*, then you probably enjoy your brain being fully engaged for your work. But when it comes time for play, you may not really be feeding your ...
- Selfishness demystifiedYou’re probably selfish for a good reason. If not, your definition of selfishness is what’s stopping you from taking care of yourself properly. This is not about self-care and self-love. It’s about something entirely different.
- Too much power to something via labelYou might be giving too much power to something in your life, just because you gave it a LABEL. See labels for more on labels in: If you use them you’ll get smarter (or dumber)
- How Much Real Estate do You Own…in the 4th Dimension?How much real estate do you own? A fascinating way to look at one of The Big Three….
- Three Phrases to Improve the Quality of Your LifeWe all have phrases we can readily repeat. Some of us have important phrases that have made an impact on us.
- Stood up – Switching Gears and the Element No One Talks About.Have you ever been stood up? The origin of the term has many folksy definitions. I encourage you to look it up as many are sort of saucy, But we recognize this meaning someone did not show up as planned for a meeting, and usually includes them not reaching out or responding to ...
- Meat Puppets handing you mailing list dataThe right and the wrong way to approach a networking event Most of my episodes are about experimental psychology, how to deal with and manage time, energy and resources, or a unique concept I’d like you to consider. Sometimes the episode is a purely business-related show. This is one of them. The excruciatingly hilariously wrong way ...
- If I were you…Advice Who doesn’t like giving advice? Who doesn’t like receiving it? Wait, put your hands down, that was rhetorical. In all seriousness sometimes we need to ask for advice (we can’t all be in a bubble) and we are lucky that someone values our wisdom enough to ask us for our advice. I certainly ...
- Conf Calls, Promises and Who is Actually TalkingThe olden days of voice only In the olden days when people wanted to collaborate they would jump on a conference call vs. jumping on a video call. It was extremely common to have a number of calls during any given week, and the larger the business the more conference calls there were. How many is ...
- The Challenge of PerspectiveSometimes you get the chance to see something from two perspectives. Sometimes both perspectives come from the same person. Sometimes that person is you.
- Protecting Your EnergyIf someone gives you a certain amount of time to do a thing, the first thing your brain does is assess the amount of energy it takes to do that. And that’s how you assess if you have been given enough time.
- Feeling Safe & Relaxed – Parasympathetic Nervous SystemParasympathetic Nervous System The network of nerves that creates the system that’s known for the ‘rest and digest’ feelings is the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is what aids in digestion, slows your heart rate and give you general feelings of well being. I want that. I want a lot of that. I bet you do too. Sympathetic ...
- Too Many WordsStroke support Group Recently, I sat in on a stroke support group. The group was for both the individuals who experienced strokes as well as their caretakers/family members. I had the blessing of the admin staff to do so. Was it uncomfortable? Yes did I feel out of place? Sort of. Did I learn ...
- A Strength Stretched too far Becomes a WeaknessKnowing your strengths Do you know your strengths some people do and some people don’t. If you do know your strengths, there is something about them. You may not realize and that’s the subject of this podcast. Stretching too far Sometimes when we approach a goal or a task, we look for a way to do it that ...
- Live Your Life IterativelyWhat is an iteration? An iteration is an updated version of something built upon its previous version. But, and iteration can also be another separate version. Examples of iterations When someone bakes a cake, they can create a cake that has chocolate filling, vanilla frosting, and multicolor sprinkles on the outside. They can assess that cake and ...
- BEFORE you make resolutions listen to thisDid I catch you in time? Every year I tell you not to make resolutions—not because I don’t want you to set goals, but because resolutions (at least the style of setting goals) traditionally have a fantastic failure rate. So, before you make them (or if you’ve made them, before you try to execute them) listen to ...
- AI, Language Models and puppiesAI & ChatGPT* A language model uses a special kind of learning to conduct a ‘probability distribution’ over words used to predict the most likely next word in a sentence based on the previous entry. Language models learn from text and can be used for producing original responses (both short and very long), predicting the next ...
- Japanese principles – helping you to fall in love with your jobThere are a lot of lists out there for how to obtain happiness, productivity, etc. As you know Alchemy for Life™ is exactly about that too. So, I’d like to not only share some of these principals, but tell you about my real world experience with them as well as what you will ...
- There’s no wrong way…“There’s no wrong way to do it…” Have you ever been given that advice? Did it make sense to you? Did it set you at ease? No, me neither. Let me tell you why that is the worst advice you can give someone who is trying to improve their craft, and ...
- The importance of a catalogDo you have a catalog? if you call yourself a creative, then it is important to catalog your work. In that, I mean to take a step back and see the various foundations you’ve built. It’s a good idea anyway to take a step back, as many creators have to ask Does This Suck? ...
- Attitude is everything (when consuming media)Attitude is everything That’s one of those phrases we have heard to death and to the point that it’s lost any real meaning, hasn’t it? If you’re like me you might even cringe at it and just wave it off as mind-over-matter kind of nonsense—even if it has made a difference in your life. ...
- Triangulating Limiting BeliefsTriangulation Triangulation is the process by which you use more than one location to find the location of something. I point gets distance, two points gets position on the ground, three points gets altitude. That’s exactly how GPS works—the more satellites the better the accuracy. Imagine Limiting Belief You hear this all the time in the motivational ...
- Thermostats, teaching and experienceStart with awareness As with every episode we start with an awareness. In this case it’s an awareness of the fact that we are always gathering knowledge. Thermostats My thermostat tells me the humidity if I walk over to it, but even though I can ask and manipulate the temperature, I can’t ask about the humidity. ...
- A single breeze…Great storms announce themselves with a single breeze, and a single random spark can ignite the fires of rebellion. Bishop of Aquila – Ladyhawke (1985) A great quote from one of my all-time favorite movies. You may even say it was an influence on The Sword and the Sunflower. But that statement really makes you think about ...
- OvercommunicatingRetooling It’s been a bit because I’ve been busy exploring different media avenues. In addition to the podcast I’ve been exploring video shorts for Youtube, and small digestible video bites for Instagram and Facebook. So, welcome back! And check them out on my Facebook as well as my Instagram. Being succinct, overcommunicating Something a ...
- Become ceremoniousWhat is ceremony? If you look it up you’ll be told it is a “ritual observance or procedure.” Most cases refer to weddings, and that’s good because that’s the example I used in the podcast. Why do I want more in my life? You want more if you’re trying to make a habit stick, or something is ...
- Who do you think you’re talking to?A reminder on the voices We use three voices to communicate with ourselves AND others. Even if you get that you may not realize that not only can someone’s second voice be speaking to you, but you might be using your second voice to speak to them. Confused? Here’s a reminder for those who haven’t read Three Voices. Your Third Voice – Your speaking voice, the ...
- Self Love and Self Care – RevisitedMost people think of self care and self love as the same thing. It’s all about you, being nice to you, doing nice things for you. Right? And it has a bit of stigma attached to it to easily make the average person (especially males) feel, well, just selfish about the whole ...
- The holy grail of positivity-biasThe mind’s ability to recall negative experiences is so easy, and the opposite is a struggle, why?
- I saw two voices talking!Three Voices If you’ve read Three Voices then you know we all have three voices that we all use to communicate with ourselves and others. As a refresher and for those who have not read the book, our first voice is our speaking voice, our second is also regarded as our “inner monolog” or “the voices ...
- Do you struggle too?What’s wrong with me? / Intro to this thing My unspoken perception (my first voice*) is as follows. I am not saying this is correct, and in most of this it certainly is not, but here it is. There’s this thing. People who have overcome this have always struck me as… more adult than me. They seem ...
- 2022 – you’re not aloneYou’re not alone. Here are do’s and don’ts for success in 2022. This bullet list and these resources will help you. 2022 and success – do’s and don’ts Don’t make resolutions. Make a goal with a system behind it. Become aware, then act on this awareness (that’s the whole premise of the podcast ...
- Castillo MovementRobbin Castillo Robbin is a personal trainer, teacher and coach. He provides Ascension coaching, Holistic personal training and masterclasses. I normally do not feature coaches on my interviews (I tend to get a lot of requests for appearances on my podcast by coaches) but I approached Robbin because of what I saw on Instagram. ...
- Oh just be your Best Self™The solution to all of your problems, past, present and future is to simply be Your Best Self. There. Done. There’s no podcast. It’s that easy. Reality and the thing you have to do first Oh, you’re still here? What’s that in your hands there… a chair? Put that down. Ok, no ...
- Stop Demonizing Comfort ZonesThe comfort zone If you hire a coach, have a review or consider accomplishing a new goal invariably the comfort zone is going to come up. And the first thing that will be discussed is you leaving the comfort zone. It will be discussed as if it is a bad thing, even though it’s ...
- PotentialIt’s such an innocuous word, isn’t it? Potential. It doesn’t sound like much when I say it by itself like that. But it’s the doorway to good and bad; to epic success or catastrophic failure. Let’s talk about what it means, what it does, and how it gives us a clue as ...
- I assumeAssume Assume: To suppose without information. Is this what you’re doing? is this what you have done every time you suppose without information? Or is this one of those words of power that we take for granted (no pun intended there). Label The word assume can be applied as a label to behavior. What ...
- Seek First to UnderstandMantras We all know what a mantra is—it’s that thing you repeat over and over again; it’s that guiding principle you have; it is those words you live by. Well I have one of those too. For me it’s “Seek First to Understand” and I don’t know if i live by those words or ...
- The King of BirdsHakan Berg is known as The King of Birds. He was a finalist on Britain’s Got Talent, and fooled half of Penn and Teller on Fool us. Hakan and I had a surprisingly philosophical discussion about laughter, trust, vulnerability, magic and being in the present. We made a discovery together about ...
- Fate or Destiny?Fate & Destiny Fate and Destiny mostly mean the same, don’t they? They’re sort of interchangeable—except for one thing: one makes you feel bad and the other makes you feel good. Free will It’ an age-old discussion, this talk of whether we have free will or not. What do you believe? ...
- Holistic creativity is a given, but…Holistic To have a holistic approach is to consider all aspects of the whole. There’s nothing ooga booga or froo froo about that, and if you know me and this podcast you know we don’t talk about things that aren’t tangible. Being holistic is tangible. It just means that if there is ...
- How do you have time for this…?How do you have time for this? Have you heard this phrase? You typically hear this about a large project or something that is apparently time consuming. But that’s misleading. They are using the wrong word Life is made of three things™ – Time, Energy and Resources. The big secret is that mostly it’s not just ...
- Real Life MotivationMotivation. People talk about motivation so much it’s annoying. Coaches and speakers talk about it all. the. time. You don’t need another source do you? But here’s a different take… Two parts to motivation The actual hype that gives you energy. This is stuff like music that makes you excited to do the ...
- Free group coaching opportunitySpecial Announcement This is a special announcement about free coaching that is being offered to two groups. The Alchemy for Life™ podcast subscribers group is one of the groups, which is why you’re seeing this. Congrats. Here is the scoop You’re probably just like me. You just want to know what this is ...
- Speed of Your RealityWhat’s the speed of your reality? That’s a trick question, and it sounds a little ooga-booga doesn’t it. It is, and it’s not. A watched pot never boils You’ve heard both a watched “pot never boils” and “time flies when you’re having fun,” right? Though the former is not true, both are rooted in reality… ...
- Shelf LifeWhat are your offers? Let’s talk about your offers. By offers I don’t just mean your business offerings, I literally mean things you have offered to others—whether it’s helping someone to move if they need it in the future, lending your truck, working with someone, forming a partnership, offering to mentor, etc. Integrity and Time, Energy ...
- Liminal SpacesLiminal spaces A liminal space is the between space (usually in the physical world). It doesn’t ‘feel right.’ It’s a threshold between two states. The transitory nature usually causes you to feel a little creeped out. Ever done a house tour in which a lot of the personal belongings have been ...
- Think outside the…groupThink outside the box (group) We all know that thinking outside of the box has its benefits. Usually this thinking happens with someone who has a different perspective than others. And that, ironically, is what this podcast is about. Groups are great, until they’re not We all are part of one or more groups, whether it ...
- The 4 Hour DayHow long is your day? Ingrained in the society I live in is the eight hour work day. However, to get ahead, to be salaried, to be a manager, a mover and shaker or someone who is launching businesses or being an entrepreneur it’s expected that you work 10, 12, 16 or more hours. Is this ...
- Hijacked by AmbitionAmbition It’s a good thing, right? Have you ever done something, shown something or demonstrated something and had someone say “Well, that’s ambitious?” Has a tiny bit of something negative behind that, doesn’t it? Have you ever started a project only to decide (consciously or unconsciously) to make it much more elaborate, involved, expensive, thorough ...
- If you use them you’ll get smarter (or dumber)Labels We all use labels because that’s the base of all languages – complex concepts, descriptions, procedures all contained in a smaller form. Imagine if you had to describe a house every time you wanted to talk about houses. Exhausting. And you’d get dumber. So we create labels for things. But as we ...
- New book: Three VoicesThree Voices Did you know you have three voices? Do you know that one can always be used to override another? Do you know that one of the voices is also a sounding board that can not only help you (preparing for a speech, reviewing a discussion), but also can torment you if overused (that fight ...
- Thoughts vs. Reality – not what you thinkHere’s something you don’t hear – thoughts do not equal reality. In an odd way this is a discussion (of the reverse kind) of mindfulness. Fight of flight Our fight or flight mechanism was designed and evolved to deal with something happening right now. It was designed to deal with reality. If you’re having anxiety about ...
- What are you measuring?Progress If you’re not measuring progress, how do you know how well you are doing in the pursuit of a goal? Don’t you have milestones and stuff like that? The Alchemy for Life system has a huge amount of tracking, and milestones, and even an icon for setbacks, so why am I even asking ...
- Zooming Out – but what does that mean?The 30,000 foot view You’ve heard of that phrase—taking the 30,000 foot view, right? But what exactly does that mean? Does it mean to take a step back? Does it mean 30,000 steps back? Considering the big picture? How long do you do this? Do you then zoom back in ...
- Taking a step backA simple answer for a complex issue… doesn’t work Did you ever have an issue with someone and tell a friend about it? They usually say “Oh well I would just say this.” You roll your eyes , take a deep breath, and attempt to explain that this is pretty complicated, and that ...
- The tension of disagreementTension We’ve talked about tension before. We’ve talked about tension vs. something being at rest and what that means for us. But now I want to talk about the tension of disagreement. Everything’s going to be OK Everything is going to be OK. Does that relieve you? It might, especially if it ...
- Did you stop measuring?Measuring We recently talked about measuring, and now we’re talking about NOT doing it. Programs running We have many programs running. We are always tasting, listening, looking, sampling… and measuring. Did you stop measuring? “Hi, I’m Mr. Scale! I’m going to disappoint you every day.” 👀 It’s pretty easy to stop measuring when it comes to that ...
- Time, Energy and Resources – widgets vs. service!Shorting yourself on time-based skills You’ve heard this before right? That as you get better and better at something, you can do it more efficiently. So your skill is just as good as your competitor but you do it faster. great! Except that you charge hourly. So now they are getting ...
- 2022: Most Helpful Episodes!Review of our most helpful episodes. From Interviews to a unique take on word meanings, to turning negatives to positives (and maybe vice versa) you don’t want to miss this. The Complete AFL Episode Guide: A Catalog of All Our Episodes Welcome to The Complete Alchemy for Life™ Episode Guide, where I give you a ...
- Happiness and Learning
- Alchemy for ME
- nanowrimo – May I be of service?
- Everything is Fantasy Until it Becomes Reality
- You can ask a question…
- Do you have an audience?
- What color is this?
- The Power of But.
- Do you keep secrets…from yourself?
- Upside Down
- Barby Ingle – Rare diseases, chronic pain
- The Little Things
- The Super Secret of Being a Creative
- Ownership
- Stay in your lane (again)!
- Hey Mark is coming over today!
- Are you addicted to (talking about) success?
- Character is what you are when you’re bored.
- Father’s Day: Mark Williams
- Father’s Day: Jesse Lee Peterson
- Father’s Day: Denise McAllister
- Father’s Day: Michael Rampolla
- Path of least resistance and communication
- Bubbles
- Epicness is undervalued
- Depression is portable
- I’m Sorry Dave
- The Middle – A nice place to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there
- Who you are and what you do
- Lifelong Learners and Lying
- The Four Conversation Methods
- Save time and frustration
- NOW we can talk about Valentines Day
- Reverse Birthday
- You’re smart so you’re on your own
- Yes or No?
- Day Ten – There are more people in my yard
- Eighth Nine – There are people in my yard
- Eighth Day – Awkward Farm Voyeur
- Stay in your lane!
- Seventh Day – watching a frozen lake
- Sixth Day – farm invitation
- Fifth Day – no more birds!
- Fourth Day
- Third Day
- Second Day
- First Day
- Balance and the Holidays – 2020
- Passion is for fakers
- Layers: What’s between you and what you do?
- Beware Plateaus
- Patience is…nope.
- Flying Pants
- Deeds not words
- Mindset was a dirty word-until now
- Reading vs. writing
- The Sword and the Sunflower audiobook excerpt
- Superman Syndrome
- Happy Father’s Day!
- Is your filter broken?
- Implementation
- Strange things are a foot…ball
- A Guide instead of a Waterfall
- Ask the next question
- The Snakecharmer
- Accountability in trying times
- Welcome to my world!
- The power of homework
- Training Wheels
- Zuby
- Self-control
- Denis Murphy
- A note from the future
- John McAfee
- 4th Dimension and messages from you to you
- Resolutions: Steering from afar
- The Amazing Lucas
- My mission and crabbiness
- Cynthia Starich
- Resolutions: Writing that book (part one)
- OneSelf
- Valentines: Lisa De Pasquale
- Valentines: Sophie Personne
- Status conversations
- Free book: The Status Game II
- Mark Concannon
- Sunday and updates!
- Collette Gee
- The Canary Does Not Mine Coal
- Alchemy For Life – the book.
- Resolutions: Writing that book (part two)
- Interview – Blüm and John Lewandowski
- What rule do you live by?
- Never Mind…
- If you want to be a podcast guest read this.
- It’s all your fault
- Suffering Experience and Wisdom
- Nicholas Arnold
- June updates
- You were dealt an awful hand. Now what?
- Grab the wheel – not the hood ornament
- Refugee resettlement
- Self-care and Self-love? What is that, really.
- What is change?
- reMarkable in-depth review
- What do you want from me?!
- Resolutions revisited
- Five causes of indecision – and how to overcome them
- Does this suck?
- Dissonance for flair
- Flair for dissonance
- Stolen Validation and Writing
- Tesla and the whole
- Commitment – Only 3 things you need to know to get something done
- Motivation or information?
- Framework
- Balance and the Holidays – revisited
- Scott Adams
- Random Thoughts (not mine—yours)
- Passion
- 2019 end of year wrap up
- What will you do?
- This is what you will do.
- Obnoxious eMails
- Resilience is a system
- AFL Podcast: The Endeavor Board
- Inertia. AFL Podcast
- Interview: Christina – AFL Podcast
- Interview: Tamara – AFL Podcast
- Interview: Cecily – AFL Podcast
- Interview: John – AFL Podcast
- LinkedIn: Participating, Reciprocating and Cheerleading
- Just Be Positive – NOT! – AFL Podcast
- Dark Matter on your calendar – AFL Podcast
- Order or Chaos? AFL Podcast
- Why are you here?
- Life’s ups and downs
- Three Things… AFL – Podcast
- Mark Black – Podcast Interview
- Bill Protzmann – AFL Podcast interview
- Stephanie Osborn – AFL Interview
- Cress – AFL Podcast interview
- Jonathan Pritchard Interview – AFL Podcast
- Anastasia – AFL interview
- Mark Metry – AFL podcast interview
- Mario Lanzarotti – AFL Podcast Interview
- Phil Gerbyshak – AFL Podcast interview
- Thanos and balance
- Daniel Gefen – AFL podcast interview
- The Status Game – afl podcast
- 3:00am wakeup call – MB Podcast
- Tsufit – MB podcast
- Future Tense AFL Podcast
- The Tinder Trap
- Stolen Validation
- Sirens of Self-Help
- Attitude is… something something
- Resting and Tension
- Dread
- Doubt
- Fall Back
- Resources – Time, Energy and Resources revisited
- Too much positivity?
- Absurdity Filter
- The Zone – AFL Podcast
- Charging a battery, filling a bucket and accomplishing a goal
- Twas The Night Before Christmas – a reading of the poem by Mark Bradford
- Look Forward / Look Back – One year
- Comfort zones, Omarosa and Progress
- Stress-Free Productivity
- Time Compression and Productivity – mindfulness of moments
- Coaching and Privacy
- The Flaw in the System
- The relativity of balance and the unexpected clarity of transition
- Everyone finds time for what they really want to do
- Which one is holding you back?
- Why energy is key
- Multitasking and the forgotten glue
- Geometry and your journey
- The one time need and parallels
- Work Life balance, Working From Home
- Buzzwords: Don’t make my brain turn off
- Podcast S1E2: Alchemy For Life System – what is it?
- AFL Podcast Welcome
- AFL Podcast – Working from home part 1
- AFL Podcast – Working from home part 2
- Don’t buy that crazy vacuum!
- AFL Podcast – Why Energy Is Key
- AFL Pdocast – Congrats, you’re bored
- Multitasking – AFL Podcast
- Be Nice – an experiment 1
- Be Nice – an experiment 2
- Job, Career or Calling? AFL Podcast
- Time and Eating – AFL Podcast
- Balance and Holidays AFL podcast
- Why do you live here? AFL Podcast
- Resolutions are bad – AFL Podcast
- The storyteller – AFL Podcast
- Why I started Alchemy For Life – balance
- Balance Coaching is not what you think
- The Secret Balance Bonus of Sunday
- Congratulations: You’re bored
- Alchemy and The Balance Flask
- What do you get from Balance Coaching? Tangible Results.
- Balance and The Sliding Puzzle
- Balance and The Holidays
- Donating, the season of giving – time energy and resources
- New Year’s Resolutions, Balance, Goals and Systems
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