Congratulations: You’re Bored.

bordemNo, I mean it.  You’re bored, that’s a good thing.  That’s a very key element in seeking balance.

Remember, as always, it’s about Time, Energy and Resources.  Tired of me saying that yet?

Boredom has a stigma attached to it.  Because the world is so fast paced, because so many are concerned with getting ahead, making ends meet and contributing, if you say you’re bored it raises red flags with The Movers And Shakers.  Or, if you’re younger, with The Teacher And Parental Units.  So, you may be one of the people that quietly suffers, being bored and feeling guilty about it.

Being bored does not mean you are intrinsically lazy – it does not mean you shrink from activities or work.  It does not mean that you choose the easy route because you’re too laid back.  It means you have a surplus of time, energy or resources.

Boredom takes many forms and has a few causes.  The form your boredom takes and cause will tell you how to proceed next.  So, by reading this you have an advantage over your friends who are ‘just bored.’

You’re bored because you have extra Time

If you’re bored because you have extra time, it means you actually have the luxury of having your time flask filled enough to spill it into other activities.  Congratulations you have extra time, most people don’t.  Clients that come to me for balance are typically over booked and lacking any bonus time.  Once we work together we uncover ways to get more time.  Then that’s spilled into the stuff they want to do.  You’re already at step two, so don’t beat yourself up.

You’re bored because you don’t have enough to keep you interested.

Note I didn’t say “enough to keep you challenged” because you might react poorly to that and think it means you’re lazy; you’re not.  You can just hear a teacher saying that, can’t you?

Others will say you are.  I see phrases and little snippets of inspirational messages that say “If you’re bored you don’t have passion” because “I live life to the fullest” and blah blah blah.  Well, that’s not exactly true.  The people who have passions and are exploring them had to adjust their outlook and interests at some point.  Very few of them figured it out early on, and almost none of them figured it out on their own.  Congratulations, you have extra energy to commit to something that will make you happy, fulfill and challenge you.  OK, I said “challenge,” but you were ready for it!

You’re bored because you don’t have the resources

Your interests may cost resources – most do.  Even the least expensive hobbies can start to cost noticeable amounts of hard earned cash, once you get into them and want to do them right.  Birdwatching?  Fancy binoculars, maybe with a built-in digital camera.  Dog walking?  Driving far to a nice dog park, dog harnesses, ‘working’ packs to train dogs, extra dog paraphernalia (he deserves it), etc.  Like gaming?  It’s just a game right, thirty bucks?  But there’s the console, or the new video card for the PC, and then the snazzy gaming headset to talk trash with, and then the new wireless controller, and the extra controller for your boyfriend.  I said boyfriend, because contrary to what many believe, nearly half of those who are gamers are women, according to the pew research center report.

It is probably easy to suggest that you’re bored because you can’t afford a Formula One car, or the lunar lander for your potential Moon Rock Collection.  I’m not suggesting that.  I’m suggesting that resources can prevent you from exploring something in your life that would add fun and fulfillment.  And it’s not just about hobbies.

Are you bored?  If so, which one are you?  More than one?

Congratulations.  Stop feeling bad about it and see what you can do about it.

Next up: Now what? (subscribe and like to make sure you don’t miss any of the series. )