
To have a holistic approach is to consider all aspects of the whole. There’s nothing ooga booga or froo froo about that, and if you know me and this podcast you know we don’t talk about things that aren’t tangible. Being holistic is tangible. It just means that if there is a problem or an issue, you look at everything—like a doctor that doesn’t just prescribe meds but instead looks at your diet, your activity and your environment. Seems obvious right? If someone has a breathing issue and you don’t ask about their job in which they are around noxious smoke all day you’re doing it wrong…

Creatives and the holistic approach

It occurs to me that creatives are naturally holistic about their creativity—or at least I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. If you write successfully you probably figured out the ideal environment, mood, software, lighting, even beverage. If you paint or sculpt then you are not doing it in a dusty environment. Moisture and lighting are tantamount.

“Non creatives”

You know I’m really not a fan of that term, and you know how I feel about labels. But if you don’t consider yourself a creative, then the holistic approach may not be something foremost on your mind. My doctor example is not off; there are many that look at issues with tunnel-vision and you don’t realise this until you find one that considers the whole.

So what about you? Do you incorporate this into what you do for a living? If you are not, imagine how this affects your approach to sales, management, production, shipping, teamwork, data, web development, customer satisfaction or even the appearance of your building.

Again to be clear, do not mistake holistic for homeopathy. They sound the same in a way. I’m just talking about considering all the variables in something.

Join me on the podcast to explore this. Just ten minutes or so.

Listen until the end if you want to laugh at my mistake.